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Reprint Series 

15 September 1978, Volume 201, pp. 979-985 

Nothomyrmecia macrfos: 

A Living-Fossil Ant Rediscovered 

Robert W. Taylor 


Copyright 1978 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science 

Nothomyrmecia macrops: 
A Living-Fossil Ant Rediscovered 

The most primitive living ant, previously an enigma, 
rediscovered and the subject of international study. 

Robert W. Taylor 

The Australian ant Nothomyrmecia 
macrops was described by Clark in 1934 
(/) from two worker specimens in the 
National Museum of Victoria, Mel- 
bourne. The species was classified in a 
new monotypic higher taxon, now tribe 
NothomyrmSciini of subfamily Myrme- 
ciinae (1-3). Other myrmeciine genera 
are Myrmecia (Australia, about 65 spe- 
cies; New Caledonia, 1 species), Priono- 
myrmex (Oligocene, Baltic Amber, 1 
species), andAmeghinoa (early Tertiary, 
Argentina, 1 species) (4). The myrme- 
ciines are considered the most structur- 
ally generalized of all ants, apart from 
the North American Cretaceous fossil 
Sphecomyrma freyi (subfamily Spheco- 
myrminae) (5). Myrmecia , while fully eu- 


social, has significantly primitive behav- 
ior (6, 7). Nothomyrmecia has been rec- 
ognized as the most generalized of these 
insects and hence the most primitive 
known living ant, the descendent of a 
group important in formicid phylogeny 
(5, 7), and a likely near facsimile of spe- 
cies extant perhaps 60 million years ago 
or more. There has been speculation on 
the outside possibility that its behavior, 
when known, might represent an early 
stage in formicid social evolution (3, 7, 
8). Study of the Melbourne specimens 
has been limited by their being dry- 
mounted, while the developmental 
stages and adult sexual forms have re- 
mained unknown. In the absence of fur- 
ther collections, N. macrops has be- 

come, naturally enough, a "holy grail" 
to ant specialists, and its "rediscovery in 
the living condition" has been stated as 
"one of the principal challenges of mod- 
ern Australian entomology" (8). 

Clark's specimens were probably col- 
lected near the western end of the Great 
Australian Bight by an excursion party 
that traveled, in December 1931, south- 
ward from near Balladonia through mal- 
lee-type Eucalyptus woodland and for- 
est and set up camp for several weeks at 
the Thomas River mouth, east of Espe- 
rance, in the extensive sand plain heath 
present there. Insects were collected, 
without precise data, for a local natural- 
ist, Mrs. A. E. Crocker, who sent them 
to Clark. Many Australian and American 
collectors and expeditions have since un- 
successfully sought Nothomyrmecia in 
this area, especially in the sand plain 
heath, where a guild of similarly pale col- 
ored, large-eyed, nocturnally foraging 
ants is well represented (8). 

Nothomyrmecia was rediscovered on 
22 October 1977 southeast of Ceduna on 
the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia by 
a CSIRO field party that had camped 
overnight en route from Canberra to 
Western Australia (9). Workers and de- 
alate queens were collected while forag- 
ing nocturnally on the ground and tree 
trunks in disturbed roadside mallee 
woodland, but colonies were not lo- 

The author is a Principal Research Scientist and 
Curator of Hymenoptera (Formicidae) with the Aus- 
tralian National Insect Collection. Entomology Divi- 
sion, CSIRO, Canberra. 

0036-8075/78/0915-0979$01.50/0 Copyright 1978 AAAS 


(that is, jugal) lobe is present on the hind 
wing, as is the case in various primitive 
ants; but a series of basal hamuli in addi- 
tion to the apical set occurs only in Noth- 
omyrmecia among formicids and is a 
primitive character (/5). The forelegs of 
most, but not every, male specimen each 
bear two apical tibial spurs, one a long 
calcar, the other a short thick cone. All 
other Hymenoptera, except some primi- 
tive Symphyta and Proctotrupoidea and 
all Ceraphronoidea, have single fore- 
tibial spurs (18). Some illustrations of 
Sphecomyrma freyi (5) incorrectly depict 
paired spurs in that species. The me- 
soscutum carries parapsidal furrows, but 
notauli are lacking, a clearly derived 
condition. A functional ventral stridula- 
tory organ, like that of the female castes, 
is present. Significance of genitalic struc- 
tures cannot be estimated in the absence 
of comparative studies. Cerci are pres- 
ent; sternite IX has a bifid apex; the 
gonoforceps are divided into proximal 
and distal sections and lack the dorsal 
projection present in some Myrmecia 
species (19); the volsellae are unspecial- 
ized, and the penis valves are strikingly 
elaborate, with several denticulate apical 

Adult Nothomyrmecia and Myrmecia 
share other significant primitive features 
including a formula of six maxillary and 
four labial palpae in all sexes; 12 anten- 
nal segments in female castes and 13 in 
males; paired calcariae on the middle 
and hind tibiae; tarsal claws each having 
a strong median tooth; and a sting whose 
complete structure includes a furcula 
and two-jointed gonostyli, as in other 
primitive ants (20). The proventriculus of 
workers is actively dammed, with the 
cuticular structure relatively unspecial- 
ized, that of Nothomyrmecia being simi- 
lar to Pseudomyrmex (Pseudomyr- 
mecinae) (21). Most of these features are 
present in various other primitive ants 
of subfamilies Ponerinae and Pseudo- 

Nothomyrmecia eggs, like those of 
Myrmecia (6) are subspherical and non- 
adhesive. The larvae lack specialized tu- 
bercles and have a primitive shape and 
general structure, sharing many features 
with Myrmecia (22) and with primitive 
prodoryline and proponerine Ponerinae 
(23), although the sensilla on the mouth- 
parts are more abundant. The pupal co- 
coons are substantial, but have thinner 
walls than those of Myrmecia and most 
primitive ponerines; meconia are pro- 

In short, the general structure of 
adults and developmental stages con- 
firms the primitiveness of Nothomyr- 
mecia. Clearly derived features include 

15 SEPTEMBER 1978 

Fig. 2. Nothomyrmecia wings. (A) Male; (B) 
outline of female wing to same scale; and (C) 
detail of enlarged female wing to illustrate 
characteristics of its structural reduction. 
Scale bars, 2 mm. 

the vestigial worker ocelli, female bra- 
chyptery, and male mesoscutal struc- 
ture, whereas the abdominal and female 
mandibular structure, with the basal 
hamuli and two-segmented gonoforceps 
of the males, are features more primitive 
than those of Myrmecia. The stridula- 
tory organ and supplementary male fore- 
tarsal- spurs probably represent evolu- 
tionary novelties. 

The differences in waist structure 
separating Nothomyrmecia and the ad- 
vanced myrmeciines are neither superfi- 
cial nor trivial. Abdominal segment IV of 
Myrmecia (Fig. 3B) is "tubulate" in 

form, with its acrotergum and acroster- 
num each broadly expanded and sepa- 
rated from the body of its plate 
by a transverse construction and incised 
groove, presumably representing the an- 
tecostal suture (24). In addition, the lat- 
eral edges of these plates are aligned and 
intimately associated, especially in the 
anterior portion, which at rest is fully in- 
serted into segment III (the postpetiole), 
the posterior edge of which embraces the 
antecostal constriction of segment IV to 
form a ball joint. Controlled telescopic 
and rotational movement at this node fa- 
cilitates abdominal mobility. Similar tu- 
bulation of segment III was doubtless 
important in evolution of the petiole- 
postpetiole joint in ants and other Hyme- 
noptera. Evolution of the mesosomal- 
metasomal waist in primitive Aprocrita 
apparently involved acrotergal expan- 
sion (25). Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae 
has been related to the Myrmeciinae (?) 
and has a Myrmecia-like metasoma. Tu- 
bulation of abdominal IV is found in 
workers, queens, and most males of sub- 
family Ponerinae (Fig. 3 A), where full 
lateral fusion of the sclerites is frequent 
and the structure is sometimes further 
elaborated (26). Tubulation evidently 
functions as a preadaptation to post- 
petiole formation, which has been impor- 
tant in evolution within and beyond the 
Ponerinae (see below and 27). 

In contrast, Nothomyrmecia (Fig. 3C) 
has the sclerites of segment IV freely ar- 
ticulated, with structure similar to that of 
succeeding segments. The acrotergite 
and acrosternite are probably represent- 
ed only by the thickened anterior rims of 
the sclerites, and the portion of each 
plate which inserts into segment HI is 

Fig. 3. Diagrams of ex- 
ploded abdominal 
plates of primitive ants, 
illustrating anatomical 
differences in segment 
IV, which has its scler- 
ites separate in Noth- 
omyrmecia (C), but as- 
sociated to form a tubu- 
late structure in Myr- 
mecia (B) and Ambly- 
opone (A). 


,^ rv\ 


only feebly differentiated, by superficial 
sculpture (which includes the sternal 
stridulitrum) from the exposed part. The 
structure is here nontubulate, and a post- 
petiole is not differentiated. A generally 
Nothomyrmecia-\\ke segment IV is con- 
sidered primitive to that of Myrmecia, 
because this is the condition in most acu- 
leates, and probably in Sphecomyrma 

Phylogenetic Implications 

Current evolutionary models (3, 5, 7) 
recognize two ant phylads, the myrme- 
ciioid and poneroid complexes. Noth- 
omyrmecia represents primitive Myrme- 
ciinae, which stand near the base of the 
myrmeciioid complex, linking the ances- 
tral Sphecomyrminae and subfamily 
Aneuretinae (28), which apparently gen- 
erated the major subfamilies Dolichode- 
rinae and Formicinae. The advanced 
myrmeciines (Myrmecia, Prionomyrmex, 
Ameghinoa) and Pseudomyrmecinae are 
derived separately from Nothomyr- 
mecia -grade stock. The Poneroid phylad 
includes the five other ant subfamilies, 
which are derived through the primitive 
Ponerinae, as possibly represented by 
Amblyopone (tribe Ambyloponini). 

As indicated above, the advanced 
myrmeciines and the pseudomyrmecines 
have abdominal IV tubulate, like the 
Ponerinae. Also, the pseudomyrfne- 
cihes, like ponerines and unlike Noth- 
omyrmecia or Myrmecia, have dorsal 
stridulatory organs, which are found no- 
where else in the myrmeciioid complex 




(14). If the structures concerned are truly 
homologous (that is, each uniquely 
evolved), the pseudomyrmecines and ad- 
vanced myrmeciines must be dissociated 
from Nothomyrmecia by transfer to the 
poneroid complex, with derivation from 
a primitive poneroid ancestor shared 
with the Ponerinae and possessing a 
tubulate abdominal IV bearing a dorsal 
stridulatory organ. Loss of such an organ 
in the Myrmecia lineage could easily 
have occurred it has within several 
ponerine and myrmicine genera (14). 
This hypothesis is summarized and ex- 
tended in Fig. 4. Nothomyrmecia re- 
mains approximately annectent to the 
Aneuretinae, and the model requires 
reinstatement for it of Clark's subfamily 
Nothomyrmeciinae (2), which is prob- 
ably desirable anyway on phenetic 
grounds. Also, the erstwhile "myrme- 
ciioid complex" would need renaming, 
as the "formicoid complex." This model 
collapses if ponerine-like tubulation and 
dorsal stridulatory organs arose con- 
vergently with the higher myrmeciines 
and pseudomyrmecines from a primi- 
tive Nothomyrmecia-Te\a.ted stock. The 
many similarities between Nothomyr- 
mecia and Myrmecia do not invalidate 
the hypothesis. These ants would be ex- 
pected to retain primitive characteristics 
in common, even if exemplifying dif- 
ferent basal lineages with separate evolu- 
tionary potential which we, in hindsight, 
see realized among modern ants. 

Formicoid trophic evolution has 
largely involved adaptations to liquid 
feeding by adults and larvae. These in- 
clude convergent development, in both 






tubulotion of' 
segment TZ 


ant-like mandibles 
and antennae 

true sociality 




Fig. 4. A simple, hypothetical, branching phylogenetic diagram, illustrating the hypothesis de- 
veloped here. Nothomyrmecia stands close to the ancestors of the formicoid phylad, and Myr- 
mecia to the poneroid stock. 


Dolichoderinae and Formicinae, of elab- 
orate proventriculi, to serve as passive 
valve dams, retaining liquid food in the 
greatly expandable crop (21, 29). This is 
often accompanied by gastral expansion, 
facilitated partly by free movement of 
the segment IV sclerites. These trends 
culminate in the separate development of 
replete ("honey pot") workers in several 
groups of both subfamilies (7). These are 
capable of enormous gastral expansion, 
and function as stationary liquid storage 
reservoirs for their colonies. The begin- 
nings of this evolution could be repre- 
sented by the crop and gastral expansion 
observed in Nothomyrmecia foragers 
(see below). Correlated trends include 
reduction in gastral sclerotization and 
convergent modification of sting struc- 
ture and function (to either a spreading 
or a spraying device) in the two sub- 

These developments might have been 
forced by problems of mechanical op- 
eration of a piercing sting occasioned 
by crop expansion. No known formi- 
coid except Nothomyrmecia has an 
abdominal stridulatory organ (14). The 
"primitive formicoids" of Fig. 4 need 
not have had such a structure; but if they 
did, the organ (whether dorsal or ventral) 
could have been lost in further evolution, 
in correlation with sclerotic reduction of 
the gaster. Also, its operation would 
likely have been compromised in groups 
with gastral expansion exceeding that of 
Nothomyrmecia. The Sphecomyrma fos- 
sils have been reported to lack a dorsal 
stridulatory organ (14), but they should 
be checked for the presence or absence 
of a ventral one. Abdominal tubulation is 
a preadaptation to postpetiolar develop- 
ment through strangulation of segment 
IV. Among ants this occurs only in the 
poneroid complex (as comprised here) 
and has occurred repeatedly (27). The 
only other known postpetiolate Hyme- 
noptera (Bradynobaenidae-Apteryogy- 
ninae) (/5) apparently also have ab- 
dominal IV tubulate (30). Tubulation 
aids controlled use of the sting, which is 
rarely degenerate in poneroids; it must, 
however, limit crop expansion and has 
perhaps restricted emphasis on liquid 
feeding in the complex (29). Repletes are 
unknown among poneroids; the proven- 
triculus is seldom elaborated, and is re- 
duced to a simple tube in some groups 
(21). The myrmicines especially have de- 
veloped alternative trophic life-styles, 
utilizing nonliquid foods such as fungi, 
seeds, and plant material (7). Massive 
gastral expansion, comparable to that of 
formicoid repletes, occurs in several po- 
neroid groups having physogastric 
queens, whose abdomens swell to an un- 


usual degree because of hypertrophy of 
the ovaries and fat body. In the minute 
European workerless parasite Tele- 
utomyrmex schneideri (Myrmicinae), 
segment IV is not involved in this expan- 
sion (31). Queens of the various army 
ants Aenictus (Dorylinae), Eciton, 
Labidus, and Neivamyrmex (Ecitoninae), 
and probably those of Leptanillinae, 
oviposit intermittently and massively. 
Physogastry here does involve expan- 
sion of segment IV, which has separable 
sclerites; and these females, unlike their 
workers, have a single waist node (32). 
This apparently reversed evolutionary 
trend is doubtless an adaptation to phy- 
sogastry. It neatly correlates free move- 
ment of the segment IV sclerites nega- 
tively with the presence of postpetioles 
and positively with gastral expansion, 
and explains the peculiar female meta- 
somal dimorphism in these ants. Com- 
parable reversal of gastral tubulation is 
seen in army ant males and in those of 
the advanced (euponerine) Ponerinae. 

Many of the major characteristics of 
ant phylogeny (Fig. 4) which are re- 
viewed above can thus be correlated 
with the structural modifications of ab- 
dominal segment IV which have pro- 
foundly influenced ant evolution. 


Preliminary investigations (33) show 
that Nothomyrmecia has a very high 
diploid chromosome number of about 92, 
the highest number known among 
Hymenoptera, where the range other- 
wise is 2n = 6 to 84. This range is en- 
compassed by the ants, and all Hyme- 
noptera with In exceeding 52 are ants. 
Most are Myrmecia species, of which ten 
have been investigated yielding a In 
range of 9 to 84. Four species of Myr- 
mecia, with 2n = 60, 66, 81, and 84, 
have diploid numbers exceeding 52, and 
a Bothroponera species (Ponerinae) has 
2n = 60 (34). Most Nothomyrmecia 
chromosomes are dotlike acrocentrics, 
but some larger metacentrics are pres- 

Preliminary electrophoretic study (35) 
of 18 loci, in about 100 foraging workers, 
has revealed one polymorphic locus 
(amylase) showing substantial variation 
(four alleles at frequencies greater than 
.05). This suggests either a greater ef- 
fective population size than field obser- 
vations indicate or stabilizing selection 
at this or a closely linked locus. Marker 
genes at the amylase locus should pro- 
vide information on the multiplicity of 
insemination of queens and the parent- 
age of males. 

15 SEPTEMBER 1978 

Field Studies 

The woodland at the Eyre Peninsula 
collection site seems similar to that in 
surrounding areas. Eucalyptus oleosa 
(Myrtaceae) forms an almost pure stand 
on fine textured, well drained, brown 
calcareous .earth with low organic con- 
tent. The presence of scattered Callitris 
preissii (Cupressaceae), which forms an 
almost pure stand nearby and is else- 
where very patchily distributed, might 
indicate soil or drainage peculiarities. 
The apparent absence of the otherwise 
locally common funnel ant Aphaeno- 
gaster barbigula (Myrmicinae), which 
builds easily collapsed, craterlike, pitfall 
trapnest entrances up to about 25 cen- 
timeters in diameter, might be related to 
soil type, and could be important in al- 
lowing access to the site by Nothomyr- 
mecia. The plants present (36) are all 
widespread species found on both sides 
of the Bight; most range eastward into 
Victorian mallee woodland. 

Nothomyrmecia workers were readily 
collected on Eucalyptus trunks at night, 
but they could not be found during day- 
time. Night search in surrounding areas 
shows that the population is apparently 
very local, occupying only several hect- 
ares. The ant seems absent from appar- 
ently similar adjacent sites. Nest en- 
trances, when located, consisted of small 
(about 4 to 6 mm), unspecific holes in the 
ground under shallow leaf litter, without 
surrounding mounds or deposited soil. 
Location of further populations will al- 
most certainly require night search, 
since the presence of Nothomyrmecia is 
not evidenced during the day. The ants 
forage singly and range to the tops of the 
trees, where they probably seek sweet 
substances and hunt for small arthro- 
pods. The remains of a small uniden- 
tifiable microlepidopteran and a spider- 
ling have been taken from foragers. 
Workers feed avidly from baits of honey 
streaked on the tree trunks Su^S imbibing 
for long periods, often exceeding 30 min- 
utes. Their gasters visibly expand with 
crop expansion, although the sclerites do 
not separate sufficiently to expose the in- 
tersegmental membranes. After feeding, 
foragers continue to stray on the trees, 
apparently randomly, and observers ex- 
perience great difficulty in tracking the 
return of the ants to nests, at least until 
around dawn. At first light, the ants be- 
gin to leave the trees, proceeding direct- 
ly and positively across the surrounding 
leaf litter to the nest entrances, which 
are located in open ground and are evi- 
dently not associated with basal accumu- 
lations of bark litter and debris near 
trees. Incomplete observations, inter- 

rupted by bad weather, suggest that 
there might be a considerable exodus 
from the nests at dusk, with few foragers 
returning until near dawn. If this is true, 
the position of the sun or light areas of 
the sky would be similarly related to the 
body axis on both journeys. There is no 
evidence that chemical trails are laid by 
foragers, and, unlike smaller Myrmecia 
species, they show no structured jump- 
ing or hopping behavior. Disturbed for- 
agers sometimes adopt a stationary 
open-jawed threatening stance, but they 
usually fall abruptly to the ground and 
feign death in a cryptic, motionless pupal 
posture. A Myrmecia species, similar in 
size to Nothomyrmecia , is an equivalent 
diurnal forager, first appearing as Noth- 
omyrmecia withdraws. A few dealate 
queens of Nothomyrmecia were encoun- 
tered among the workers. When tracked 
to nests they proved to be colony found- 
ers, following the incompletely claustral 
mode of establishment, in which young 
queens leave their immature first brood 
in order to forage. 


Five Nothomyrmecia nests were ex- 
cavated on 17 to 18 November. In each a 
single gallery (diameter, 4 to 5 mm) de- 
scended steeply at about 60 to a termi- 
nal, subelliptical, horizontal chamber 
(diameter, 3 to 5 cm; height, 5 to 10 mm; 
depth below ground, ranging from 18 to 
43 cm). Each shaft had three to five side 
chambers, one within 10 cm of the sur- 
face. The ants retreated timidly, most 
being captured with brood and queens 
(one in each nest) in the terminal galler- 
ies. The brood comprised numerous half- 
to full-sized larvae, all probably of a 
single generation, and a few pupae; eggs 
were not seen. Callow adults, alate 
queens, and males were absent. Mature 
nests probably contain 50 to 70 workers. 
A dense layer of calcrete rocks in the soil 
profile' apparently limited nest depth. A 
sixth nest penetrated this, and excava- 
tion was abandoned. 

By 9 March 1978, four colonies, two 
with queens, survived in laboratory cul- 
ture. Additional larvae had not been pro- 
duced, and all but a few in two nests had 
pupated. Workers began emerging from 
24 December, males from 16 January, 
queens from 20 January. Callows are 
recognizable for about 2 days. Emer- 
gence seemed due for completion by 
mid- April. One colony produced males, 
and another males plus queens. The lat- 
ter began emerging on 20 January and 3 
March, respectively, possibly in a natu- 
ral sequence. Both trophic and apparent- 


ly reproductive eggs were laid occasion- 
ally, but consistently, by workers. These 
were fed mostly to larvae, but also to 
other adults, including mother queens 
and alate sexuals. Oviposition by queens 
was not observed. No reproductive eggs 
were accumulated. Two observation se- 
ries of assembled foragers were collected 
on 23 October and 17 to 18 November. 
The first included a (presumably colony- 
founding) dealate female. Both of these 
groups accumulated many reproductive 
eggs from late December onward, and a 
few of these hatched by mid-February; 
pupation had not occurred by 9 March. It 
is not known whether the dealate female 
in the mixed group contributed eggs, but 
oviposition by workers was seen. Pro- 
duction of eggs is thus not inhibited by 
laboratory conditions. These events sug- 
gest that brood is normally not present in 
colonies during winter (say from late 
April to early September). As a result, 
foraging in this season is likely to be re- 
duced, and nests possibly sealed, as in 
Myrmecia tarsata , which does not over- 
winter brood (personal observation). 

A further nest, with a single terminal 
chamber 18 cm below ground, was also 
excavated. This contained two dealate 
queens. Brood was not seen and, if pres- 
ent, must have been small, this nest was 
located by tracking a foraging queen at 
dawn from a tree 4.5 meters away. One 
queen left the nest briefly at night in light 
rain to drink water from fallen leaves. 
These ants survived in culture without 
evident antagonism, and on 9 March 
were supporting a large larva and a co- 
coon, which was smaller than those in 
mature colonies and was spun on 28 Feb- 
ruary. Larvae were fed with insect frag- 
ments and apparently normal (reproduc- 
tive as opposed to trophic) eggs by both 
queens. Founding thus may be pleome- 
trotic with queens evidently reduced later 
to one (secondary monogyny). Mating 
flight details are unknown. The queens 
might flutter from vegetation, like some 
brachypterous Myrmecia (personal ob- 
servation). None had undergone deala- 
tion as virgins in the nests by 9 March. 
Alates are presumably released by late 
summer or autumn (March or April) but 
might be overwintered in parent nests. 
Founding queens excavate to consid- 
erable depth; and, even if released in late 
summer, evidently mature no eggs until 

Aptery or brachyptery in Myrmecia 
queens is not uncommon (2, 16, 37); al- 
though its adaptiveness is unclear, it 
might sometimes involve premating iso- 
lating mechanisms. This seems unlikely 
in Nothomyrmecia, where brachyptery 
might relate to population structure, as 


an adaptation developed in small scat- 
tered populations held in enclaves by 
competition with other ants, or by pre- 
cise, unusual, ecological requirements. 
It might be inadaptative for queens to 
disperse and attempt to establish colo- 
nies away from enclaves. The situation 
could be compared to that of brachyp- 
terous mountaintop or island insects 
(38), and Nothomyrmecia could be dan- 
gerously overspecialized in this regard. 
Brachyptery might be recently evolved; 
female wings, if nonfunctional for dis- 
persal, would probably quickly dis- 
appear altogether. Short-winged queens 
might be irregular products of drought- 
stressed colonies, as has been reported 
in some Chelaner (Myrmicinae) species 
in semiarid Australia (39, 40), but no 
available evidence suggests such dimor- 
phism in Nothomyrmecia. 

Adult N. macrops are largely nectar- 
ivorous but drink hemolymph from in- 
sect prey. The latter, with little dis- 
section, is fed directly to larvae. Larvae 
can move independently toward food, 
and cannibalism among them seems rare. 
Pupae are used for larval food if forage is 
withheld. Eggs are scattered in observa- 
tion nests, with larvae plus eggs and pu- 
pal cocoons only roughly segregated. Ma- 
ture larvae swell anteriorly before spin- 
ning cocoons and are buried by workers 
to facilitate cocoon formation. Emer- 
gence from cocoons is often assisted by 
nurses, which tend to be the smaller, 
least aggressive workers. Occasional 
trophallaxis has been seen between 
workers, and with sexuals or larvae, 
which exude anal droplets imbibed by 
workers. Workers and females actively 
groom each other, with special attention 
to the posterior mesosoma (? metapleural 
glands). They will collapse tonically im- 
mobile in pupal posture if nests are jolt- 
ed, or if dragged or carried by nest mates. 
Queens or workers may be dragged 
by antennae or limbs without tonic 
immobility, sometimes by counteracting 
workers, and appear from abdominal 
movements to stridulate if distressed by 
this. Stridulation occurs when workers, 
queens, or males are held; but it is nei- 
ther easily induced nor is it continuous, 
especially in males. Digging is induced 
when nest soil is moistened. Refuse 
heaps, including food wastes, discarded 
cocoons, and dead immatures or adults, 
are accumulated away from the occupied 
sections of nests. Wastes are regularly 
deposited in the small (15 mm in diame- 
ter) dishes used for feeding honey, which 
are frequently filled with soil, even by 
colony-founding queens. These seem to 
be behaviorally totipotent compared 
with workers. Males are occasionally ob- 

served riding for many minutes on alate 
female nest mates, without attempting 
copulation. All standard self-grooming 
routines (7) are actively practiced, ex- 
cept abdominal tip licking, which has not 
been seen. Alarm communication is slow 
and inefficient. The ants are generally 
nonaggressive, differing markedly from 
most Myrmecia. Territoriality between 
colonies is not evidenced in either field 
or laboratory. Allozyme markers suggest 
that several colonies can contribute for- 
agers to single trees. Workers trans- 
ferred to alien colonies are shown little 
aggression. Mixed foragers will settle to 
behave like queenless colony fragments 
and will adopt foraging queens. 

Thus, almost all behavioral character- 
istics of Nothomyrmecia are held in 
common with Myrmecia, further con- 
firming the primitiveness of Nothomyr- 
mecia . 


The resistance to collection for 46 
years by Nothomyrmecia is explained by 
its apparently patchy, locally limited dis- 
tribution, its nonspecific, insignificant 
nest entrances, its strict nocturnality of 
foraging, the likely restriction or cessa- 
tion of aboveground activity in winter 
(correlating negatively with that of most 
insect collectors in Australian .areas of 
severe summer climate), and the unlikely 
collection at light traps of the brachyp- 
terous queens (males in this context 
would probably not have been recog- 
nized). ' Doubts have been expressed 
about the true provenance of the original 
specimens, which I believe were very 
likely collected in mallee woodland 
south of Balladonia. The previously al- 
most exclusive emphasis by would-be 
collectors in this area on heath rather 
than mallee sites could have been mis- 
directed. The rediscovery of Nothomyr- 
mecia in Western Australia remains a 
challenge to interested naturalists. 

References and Notes 

1. J. Clark, Mem. Nail. Mas. Victoria Melbourne 
8, 17 (1934). 

2. , The Formicidae of Australia, (I) Sub- 
family Myrmeciinae (Commonwealth Scientific 
and Industrial Research Organisation, Mel- 
bourne, 1951), p. 16. 

3. W. L. Brown, Insectes Soc. 1, 22 (1954). 

4. and R. W. Taylor, in The Insects of Aus- 
tralia (Melbourne Univ. Press, Carl ton. Victo- 
ria, 1970), p. 958. 

5. E. O. Wilson, F. M. Carpenter, W. L. Brown, 
Science 157, 1038 (1967); Psyche 74, 1 (1967). 

6. C. P. Haskins, in Development and Evolution of 
Behavior, L. R. Aronson, E. Tobach, D. S. Lehr- 
man, I. S. Rosenblatt, Eds. (Freeman, San 
Francisco, 1970), p. 355. 

7. E. O. Wilson, The Insect Societies (Harvard 
Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971). 

8. W. L. Brown and E. O. Wilson, West. Aust. 
Nat. 1, 25 (1959). 

9. The party included D. H. CoDess, J. E. Feehan, 
J. D. Lawrence, M. S. Upton, and R. W. Tay- 


lor, all attached to the Australian National In- 
sect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra. The first 
Nothomyrmecia specimens were collected by 

10. D. C. F. Rentz and M. J. D. White, personal 

11. W. M. Wheeler, Schr. Physikal-Okonomischen 
Ges. Konigsberg SS, 1 (1914). 

12. M. J. Viana and J. A. Haedo Rossi. Ameghi- 
niana 1, 108(1957). 

13. G. S. Tulloch, Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 29, 81 

14. H. Markl, Proc. Congr. IVSSl 7th London 
(1973), p. 258; terminology here follows that of 
P. D. Ashlock and J. D. Lattin [Ann. Entomol. 
Soc. Am. 56,693(1963)]. 

15. D. J. Brothers, Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull. 50, 483 

16. C. P. Haskins and E. F. Haskins. Insectes Soc. 
2, 115(1955). 

17. W. L. Brown and W. L. Nutting, Trans. Am. 
Entomol. Soc. 75, 113 (1950); W. L. Brown. 
Psyche 72, 65 (1965). 

18. E. F. Riek, in The Insects of Australia (Mel- 
bourne Univ. Press, Carlton, Victoria. 1970), p. 
874; P. Dessart and L. Masner, Bull. Ann. Soc. 
R. Entomol. Belg. 101, 275 (1965); L. Masner. 

Can. Entomol. 108, 1243 (1976); and 

P. Dessart, Bull. Inst. R. Sci. Nail. Belg. 43, 1 

19. J. Forbes, J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 75, 35 (1967). 

20. H. R. Hermann, J. Ga. Entomol. Soc. 4, 123 

21. T. Eisner, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Univ. 

22. G. C. Wheeler and J. Wheeler, Am. Midi. 
Nat. 48, 111 (1952); Pan Pacif. Entomol. 47, 
245 (1971). 

23. , Mem. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 7 (1976). 

24. The areas identified here as acrosclerites might 
in fact be secondarily differentiated sections of 
the definitive tergite and stemite. This would not 
substantially affect the argument. The term 

"pretergital belt" was used for the anterior por- 
tion of the segment IV exoskeleton by W. L. 
Brown, Search Agric. Geneva N.Y. 15, 37 

25. G. C. Crampton, J. N.Y. Entomol. Soc. 39, 323 

26. Lateral fusion of segments III, IV, and V in ants 
was briefly reviewed by W. H. Gottwald [Cor- 
nell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sin. Mem. 408, 126 (1969)]. 
In species of Heteroponera, Gnamptogenys, 
Proceratium, Discothyrea (all Ectatommini), 
and Psalidomyrmex (Ponerini) abdominal IV is 
strongly fused laterally and arched or reflexed, 
turning the gastral apex ventrally or even ante- 
riorly [W. L. Brown, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 
Harv. Univ. 118, 175 (1958)]. Asphinctopone 
(Ponerinae) workers have segment IV tubulate, 
with laterally fused sclerites. However, the 
acrosclerites are (presumably through second- 
ary reduction) mere ridges, with the insertion in- 
to segment III being only slight. Sphinctomyr- 
mex (Cerapachyini) has serially repeated tubula- 
tion of segments IV, V, and VI, producing sev- 
eral gastral constrictions. 

27. Development of a strongly constricted post- 
petiole has independently occurred within sev- 
eral ponerine genera including Proceratium (Ec- 
tatommini) and Cerapachys (Cerapachyini), and 
in the evolution from primitive ponerine or po- 
neroid stock of Dprylinae, Ecitoninae, Leptanil- 
linae, and Myrmicinae. The only ecitonine ge- 
nus usually said to lack a worker postpetiole is 
Cheliomyrmex (Ecitoninae-Cheliomyrmecini); it 
has a tubulate but relatively unconstricted seg- 
ment IV, resembling that of many ponerines 
(such as Amblyopone australis) (Fig. 3A) and 
exemplifying a condition presumably primitive 
for Ecitoninae [see figure 14-29 of (7), p. 70]. 
Similarly, in the Dorylinae, Dorylus has ab- 
dominal structure like Cheliomyrmex , while Ae- 
nictus workers have a strongly constn/cted post- 

28. This, perhaps once major, group includes 

the living relict Aneurelus simoni (Sri Lanka) 
and three extinct Oligocene genera of Europe 
or North America [E. O. Wilson, T. Eisner, 
G. C. Wheeler, J. Wheeler, Bull. Mus. Comp. 
Zool. Harv. Univ. 11!>, 81 (1956)]. 

29. T. Eisner and W. L. Brown, Proc. Int. Cong. 
Entomol. 10th 2. 503 (1958); T. Eisner and E. O. 
Wilson, ibid., p. 509. 

30. F. Invrea, Ann. Mus. Civ. Star. Nat. Genova 
69, 257 (1957). 

31. H. Kutter, Mitt. Schweiz. Entomol. Ges. 23, 81 
(1950); Du 11 (4), 45 (1951). An illustration re- 
produced as figure 19-1 in (7), p. 350. 

32. T. C. Schneirla, Army Ants, a Study in Social 
Organization (Freeman, San Francisco, 1971); 
see also figure 4-22 in (7), p. 60. 

33. A. D. Bishop and R. H. Crozier, personal com- 

34. H. T. Imai, R. H. Crozier, R. W. Taylor, 
Chromosoma 59, 341 (1977). 

35. P. S. Ward, personal communication. 

36. These include species of Santalum and Exo- 
carpos (Santalaceae). Comesperma (Poly- 
galaceae), Dianella (Liliaceae). Amyema (Loran- 
thaceae), Enchylaena (Chenopodiaceae), Geij- 
era (Rutaceae), Callitris (Cupressaceae), Eu- 
calyptus and Melaleuca (Myrtaceae), as 
identified by R. Pullen, I. Brooker, and G. Chip- 
pendale (personal communication). 

37. J. J. McAreavey, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 73, 
137 (1948). 

38. P. J. Darlington, Ecol. Monogr. 13, 37 (1943). 

39. W. M. Wheeler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 
3, 109 (1917). 

40. D. T. Briese and E. A. Davison, personal 

41. Others, in addition to A. D. Bishop, R. H. Cro- 
zier, and P. S. Ward (Australia), involved in the 
research on Nothomyrmecia discussed in this 
article are T. Eisner, B. Holldobler, G. C. 
Wheeler, J. Wheeler, E. O. Wilson (United 
States); P. Duelli (Switzerland); and H. Markl 


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